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At Steph’s Tutoring, we aim to have complete clarity when you as a client; or when your student/learner engages in tutoring lessons with us. This is set out in the Terms and Conditions in this policy. You will also find more detailed information in the contract you sign at the start of your tutoring journey with us. Note: Steph’s Tutoring (Stephanie Sybliss) reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions; which will be found on this website.
Contracts and Personal Information
Clients must read and sign a contract during the first lesson. (Online clients will be sent a contract via email to read and sign before the first lesson). This contains details about your payment plan and how payment should be made. It will also set out guidelines such as expectations regarding behaviour, conduct and homework.
All clients must read and familarise themselves with the Covid Policy on this website. Click on the link for further information. https://www.stephstutoring.co.uk/covid-policy-in-the-learning-studio It is important that face to face clients fill in an emergency contact information sheet for the tutor, so that we can contact you about your student/child/learner if an emergency arises during the lesson. This should be at least one or more mobile phone numbers, a contact address and an email address. Note: For online lessons, the client/parent MUST give at least ONE contact phone number and email address for online correspondence.
It is the client/parent’s responsibility to provide details regarding their (face to face) learner/child of any allergies, special needs or medical concerns which they deem important before the first lesson or any tutoring lessons begin. For online students, clients/parents MUST equally let the tutor know of any special educational needs or medical concerns before the lesson commences.
Invoices and Payment/Charges
Lessons are charged as per the rates on this website and as discussed at the time of enquiry. Note: All fees are set and are not open to negotiation.
All payments for lessons must be made in full at least 48 hours before each first lesson. If payment is not made before this time, then the lesson will not take place.
Lessons are to be paid in five-week blocks and should be paid at least 48 hours before the lesson commences.
Clients will be invoiced for each lesson. The tutor will then inform the client that the payment has gone through.
Payment for the lessons should be done via bank transfer, details on how to do this is provided on the invoices sent to you. Note: We do not take cash for any transactions whatsoever.
Cancellations and Missed Lessons
Cancelled/missed sessions are non-refundable. It is not possible to 'roll-over' the lesson to any subsequent weeks and no refund will be given for any missed/cancelled lessons. If a student is unwell and cannot attend tutoring lessons; it is at the discretion of the tutor; (Stephanie Sybliss), as to whether the charge for this lesson will stand. It is up to the client/parent to inform the tutor as to when their learner is able to resume tutoring lessons.
On the rare occurrence that your lesson is cancelled by me, an extra lesson will be given to the student in lieu of the missed lesson, at a date/time agreed by the tutor.
If you wish to completely cancel your tuition contract and lessons, the client must give at least FIVE WEEKS NOTICE in writing or email. Note: If you cancel before the end of a block of lessons; you will not be refunded any remaining weeks left.
Absences and illnesses/Infectious illness/Covid-19
To avoid the spread of illness to students/myself/or other people; any student or client with an infectious illness (such as Covid-19), must not come to tutoring or enter the premises. If it is suspected that during a lesson a student is exhibiting signs of an infectious illness, the tutor reserves the right to cancel the lesson with immediate effect. This lesson will not be refunded. The student will not be allowed back to tutoring lessons until they are well again. It is the client/parents responsibility to inform the tutor (Stephanie Sybliss) when the student/child is able to attend lessons again.
If there is a rise in the Covid-19 situation, it may be necessary for all clients to wear a face mask (including the tutor; Stephanie Sybliss) when present in the Learning Studio. Students/Learners 12 years old and under do not need to wear one, but may if they wish.
If Covid-19 restrictions have been enforced by the govenment and a lock-down situation arises; then all lessons will be delivered via an online platform such as; Zoom until it is safe to commence with face-to-face lessons.
To promote good hygiene practices overall, all students and clients are encouraged to make use of the hand gels supplied upon entering the Learning Studio. During the lesson, all students/learners will be encouraged to use them throughout the lesson and especially if they sneeze or cough; they are encouraged to use a tissue. If you wish, you can bring your own hand gels and tissues for your learner/child.
If your child/learner is well enough to participate in a Zoom online lesson, this can be arranged mutually at a time convenient with the client and the tutor. Note: At least 48 hours’ notice is required for the tutor to accommodate this arrangement.
Timekeeping and Parental involvement
All lessons are 1 hour in duration; regardless of whether they are online or face-to-face. Extra time can be arranged prior to the lesson and upon agreement with the tutor. This extra time is charged. (Please see the price list on this website for further information).
It is important that all lessons start on time. If a student is more than 10mins late to attend a lesson; whether online or face to face, the tutor (Stephanie Sybliss) reserves the right to cancel the lesson. If a student is consistently late for their lesson; there is a possibility that the contract will be terminated. It is up to the client/parent to inform the tutor prior to the lesson if their learner is going to be late for a lesson. The tutor (Stephanie Sybliss) cannot give extra time to a student if they are late to a lesson.
The tutor (Stephanie Sybliss) reserves the right to charge for meetings in person with clients or via phone and online if they are requested outside of the student’s usual lesson times.
Clients/parents may sit in on the FIRST face-to-face lesson, but after this time it is advisable that they don't sit in. This is to allow the lesson the lesson to occur in a naturalistic way. During the lesson, the client/parent must not participate in the lesson or distract the student in any way whatsoever. During online lessons, the client/parent can be present (but not visible) if the student is in KS2. This is so that if any connection issues arise, they are able to sort them out for their learner. They must not participate in the lesson or distract the student in any way whatsoever.
Online lessons and Google Classroom
During the online lesson, the student/child/learner must not tamper with the mute button; or any equipment that will disrupt the overall flow of the lesson.
If there are connection issues, the student/child/learner should use the ‘chat facility’ on Zoom to notify the tutor by typing to them that there is a problem; or they should inform the client/parent as soon as possible to try and rectify the issue.
The client/parent/student should communicate via telephone if the connection is completely lost as soon as possible.
If connection issues continue for longer than 15 minutes (whether that is on the tutor’s internet connection or with the student/client's connection); the tutor reserves the right to end the lesson and then reschedule it at another time mutual to both the tutor and the parent/client/student.
All online work and homework is shared between the tutor, student and client/parent via Google Classroom. The ‘classroom’ is exclusive only to these people and should not be shared with any other parties. (To avoid Data Protection issues).
Homework and Extra Work
In order for the student to progress, it is sometimes necessary that a short amount of homework or extra work is set. This is usually a small quantity of work and typically involves finishing off work done in the lesson. If the client/parent does not wish the student to have any extra work such as this; they need to communicate this to the tutor. (Stephanie Sybliss).
It is important that the student completes the homework they have been given in readiness for the next lesson. All homework/extra work is marked and feedback is given. Whether it is homework for online or face-to-face lessons, I always aim to mark and send back work before the next lesson. Parents/Clients should encourage the learner/student to do the homework set, as it is likely to result in a more rapid progress in their student’s learning.
Eating, Drinking and Appropiate Clothing for Tutoring
Unless a student has a medical condition such as Diabetes; which means they may have to eat at a specific time, students must avoid eating in the lessons. This is so to avoid spillages, food odours and the tutor having to clean up crumbs and food waste after a lesson has ended. Occasionally the tutor (Stephanie Sybliss) may allow the odd small snack to be eaten in The Learning Studio, however the student/client must ask permission prior to do this.
The only drinks allowed to be drunk in the lessons is water. The tutor can supply this if the student has forgotten to bring their own. Other drinks (especially fizzy drinks in cans) is not allowed in The Learning Studio. Liquids must be in a water bottle or a container with a lid to avoid spillages.
It is important that students come to their lessons dressed appropiately. This means that they should not be shirtless or dressed in clothing that is too skimpy; or does not provide enough coverage. This rule applies to online tutoring as well. Any student that does not adhere to this rule will risk a cancellation of their lesson and payment for this lesson will be non-refundable.
Last Updated: June '24
© SjS 2024
For further information regarding these Terms and Conditions, please email or telephone (Stephanie Sybliss) on: stephjs01@gmail.com or: 07504 530 572.